Friday, December 30, 2022

TIK History theory of history in an hour 42 minutes

Fascinating, recommended. Seems to end up as a justification for libertarianism and rejection of a public sector. Begins with tribal customs of prehistoric Greece, around the family and hearth. TIKHistory: Public vs Private | The Historic Definitions of Socialism and Capitalism Whatever those customs may have been, they are not the building blocks of today's political economy "thing". Today's world is organized as a collection of power hierarchies, each having a boss, leader, prince or lord, CEO, agency chief, military command, etc. Each individual boss, ruler, CEO, etc. has their own obedient down-chain, and network of relations with other bosses. Mathematically all humans could be ranked from top to bottom, in their degree of power. You don't need an hour and 42 minutes. It's not that complicated. It's also not guided by any "isms". There are only various sorts of group contracts in the large blocs of east, west etc. which are loosely followed, depending on the interests of various CEOs, agency heads, military commands, etc.

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