Tuesday, June 16, 2020

So the U.S. is printing money at a rate of $1 Trillion a month. And the natives are restless, out in the colonies (China, etc) as the dollar declines and gold increases.

I expect three things. In the next few months, a deflation of the dollar bubble to protect the "reserve currency" status of the US Dollar, a huge, fascist crackdown on dissent in the US against the resulting pain upon the bottom half, and, another major war on the first country who "blinks", and tries to establish a new currency or other threat to the dollar.

At this point the EU as well as the BRICs want a new currency regime. This is bigger than Bretton Woods.

And the global banking cartel the BIS member banks, owe no loyalty to the $US dollar. The reserve currencies are fungible, from their POV.

But the global banking cartel *needs the US military* to maintain their absolute monopoly on maintaining the balances of accountholders, executing transactions (+/- transactions across accounts within their network, i.e. settlement), and prevent any alternative settlement system from getting started. So, count on the US to oppose any EU-BRICs breakout, and the US holding a gun to the head of the global banking cartel.

If the global banking cartel allows the nations of the EU or BRICs to dump the dollar, the US military will stop supporting the global banking cartel, and start wars directly for certain territory or resources like oil, allowing the global settlement system to go fuck itself-- whether the BRICs or the BIS.... This is big stuff.

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